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Former Vice-Chancellor, ANGRAU
Dr. A Padma Raju is a veteran academician, research scientist and able administrator with more than 40 years of teaching, research and administrative experience. Dr Padma Raju obtained B.Sc (Ag) from Agricultural College, Bapatla in 1965 and M.Sc (Ag) and Ph.D from IARI, New Delhi in 1967 and 1972 respectively. He started his career as Junior Soil Physicist at Anand, Gujarat in 1971. Later he joined Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) (then APAU) as Senior Soil Physicist at Agricultural Research Station, Anantapuram, AP in 1976 and rose to the position of Vice-Chancellor of ANGRAU, the largest agricultural university in India in 2013. He worked as Principal Scientist, University Head of the Department, Associate Director of Research, Director of Research and Member of Board of Management. He has published about 60 research articles in national journals and about 20 in international journals.
Member of Research Advisory Councils and QRT
Member of Research Advisory Councils of SBI, Coimbatore, NRC Sorghum, Hyderabad, CRIDA, Hyderabad, DRR, Hyderabad.
Member of QRT, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal and CRIJAF, Jodpur.
Notable Contribution and Accomplishments
Evaluation of Soils of Andhra Pradesh (Chemical, Physical, Physico chemical properties).
Characterized soils of irrigation projects i.e. Nagarjuna Sagar Project, Sri Ram Sagar Project, K.C. Canal and Vamsadara Project (SRBC).
Administrative and Technical Head of World Bank Aided Project.
Administrative and Technical Head of APER Project (World Bank).
Research administration for the Indo-Duch Network Operational Research Project and successfully implemented the sub-surface drainage technologies for reclamation of salt affected and waterlogged soils
Cyclone and Flood Disaster Management: Planned executed and supervised the post cyclone agriculture relief operations of 1996 and until 1998 cyclones.
Rainfed Agriculture: Contributed significantly for the increased production of crops in rainfed areas constituting about 60% of the total cultivated area of the State. Research carried out on in situ soil and water conservation at Maheswaram (Rangareddy district) watershed has yielded good results
Introduced the Village Adoption Programme in ANGRAU and adopted 50 villages in AP
MoU with Wageningen Agricultural University and Research Center (WUR) and International Land Reclamation Institute (LRI), The Netherlands for exchange of staff and students
USDA, Washington DC, USA in support of the development of decision support systems for sustainable agriculture.
Centre for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics, Hyderabad for collaborative research and training programmes and to enhance academic interchange.
International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), Wageningen, The Netherlands for soil reference collection laboratory.
International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, USA for various education, research and extension and exchange of staff and students.
Responsible for planning, co-ordinating, controlling, evaluating, managing, administering and documenting of research in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Sciences, Fisheries, Forestry and Home Science conducted by more than 850 scientists working in 67 research stations spread over 7 agro-climatic zones of Andhra Pradesh state with about 13 million hectares of net cultivated area.
Responsible for Research and Development of soybean as pure crop as well as inter crop in cotton – a classical and revolutionary introduction of a non-traditional crop for the improvement of economic conditions of the farmers particularly in Adilabad and its surrounding districts in Northern Telangana Region of the State.
Responsible for the development and release of 46 new crop varieties bringing the total varieties released by the University to 302.
A 50 acre garden of medicinal plants was established at Rajendranagar to generate technologies for production of medicinal plants and also to serve as demonstration farm.
Responsible for the development of a pneumatic pressure boiling vessel to process parboiled rice with attractive white colour.
Responsible for the development / standardization of Integrated Pest Management and Integrated Disease Management technologies for major crops
Established Buffalo Research Station at Venkataramannagudem with automated systems where an elite herd of Murrah buffaloes is being maintained.
Developed mandal wise crop plans with the help of District Agricultural Advisory and Transfer of Technology Centres.
Provided Computer training to all teachers, researchers, extension scientists and administrative staff as part of computerization of University administration.
Under his able leadership as Director of Research, ANGRAU has bagged the following awards
ICAR Best Institution Award for the year 1999 in recognition of the contributions of the University in the field of agricultural research, extension and education activities and the service rendered to the farmers of the State.
First Chaudhary Devilal Outstanding AICRP Award, for the year 2001 for the AICRP, for the most significant contribution of partnership research to agricultural productivity.
Projects executed as Director of Research of ANGRAU
Indo-Dutch network Project on Drainage Water management
FAO funded AP Water Management Project
AP III Irrigation Project funded by World Bank
Established an NGO Society “VARSHA” with the following objectives
To develop appropriate location specific technology Farming Systems Approach (FSA) and Participatory Approach (PA) in agriculture and allied sectors for their sustainability.
To help in conservation and efficient utilization of natural resources like water, soil, plant animal, bio-diversity and environmental protection.
To develop and improve the marketing and export agricultural systems in order to increase demand for local productions and sustainable production in rural areas.
To work for achieving self support systems in the rural areas by providing livelihood options to the less privileged people, landless poor, women for alleviating hunger and poverty.
Foreign Countries Visited in pursuit of Academic and Research Collaboration and MoUs signing
The Netherlands
FAO, Rome, Italy
Special Skills
Expertise in Administration and Management.
Expertise in Agricultural Research Management.
Expertise in Transfer of Technology.
Expertise in Watershed Management.
Expertise in Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Evaluation Expertise in Educational Management.
Received Doreen Mashler Award-2004 for outstanding contribution to integrated watershed management for sustainable development awarded by Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).
Member of Board of Management of the following organisations
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad (2000-2003).
Andhra Pradesh State Seed Development Corporation, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
Andhra Pradesh State Seed Certification Agency, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
Andhra Pradesh State Sericulture Research Development Institute, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, Hyderabad (2002-2005).
Directorate of Oil Seeds Research, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agriculture, Hyderabad (2000-2005).
National Research Centre for Sorghum, Hyderabad (2000-2005).