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CEO, Genomix Bio Tech Inc
Atlanta, GA 30345, USA
Dr Rathnagiri is an eminent research scientist and has outstanding contributions in the field of Biotechnology emerging technologies and operations. He is a highly dynamic molecular and cellular biologist with vast experinec in high throughput state-of-the art of molecular, cellular, proteomics and functional genomics technologies. As a Team player/ Leader, he provides hands on experience with biomedical research strategic intelligence in designing and executing broad spectrum of projects including Diagnostics, Vaccines, Instruments and clinical studies in a cost effective fashion to serve the common man.
Ph.D. in Biochemistry; Madras University; India
Ph.D. Mentor: Late Padmasri Prof. Y. Nayudamma; Ex-DG, CSIR; Ex-Secretary, Department of Science and Technology
Professor of Biotechnology, Amity University, Jaipur, India
Associate Dean and Professor of Biochemistry: Katuri Medical College & Hospital, Guntur, AP, India.
Adjunct Professor:
Mercer University Atlanta, (USA)
Genetics Dept; Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India
NTR Health Sciences University, Vijayawada, India;
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, India
Savitha University, Chennai, India
Sri Padmavarhi Mahila University, Tirupathi, India
Director, MNR Research Foundation, MNR Medical College, Sangareddy, Medak Dt, Telangana
President & CEO: (2003- Till Date)
Genomix Biotech. Inc and Genomix Molecular Diagnostics (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(2007 Till Date)
Genomix Health Care India (P) Ltd. (2013-till date)
This company is a DSIR recognized, ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 13845, GMP certified and manufacture and market Rapid Diagnostic kits, ELISA and Molecular based assays for a total of 100 products that are Drug Control Admin Approved to market in India and rest of the world.
Active R&D team Develops IVD & Molecular diagnostic kits and instrumentation for the detection of emerging diseases. Bio-pharmaceuticals for therapeutic intervention of disease processes including developing vaccines, Instruments for IVD and microarrays for MDR and Diabetes, flourometric assays and wound management products.
Genomix CARL Pvt. Ltd (2015-Till Date)
This is a newly established public private partnership company solely focusing on livestock research including cattle, sheep, Goat, canine healthcare, fodder development and manufacturing Invitro diagnostics and vaccines. This is situated in Pulivendula, Kadapa, AP in 650 acres of land with a total of million SFT lab space including two BSL-3 lab space with state-of art instrumentation with a capacity of 50,000 to 100,000 RDT kits and 500 ELISA plates per a day.
Talented Industrial Biotechnologist Award 2015: Association of Biotechnology and pharmacy.
Ongoing funded Grants from Dept of Biotechnology; Govt of India
Developing Rapid diagnostic kits and instrumentation to detect Malaria: 1.04 crores.
Developing Rapid diagnostic kits and hand held instrumentation to screen Brucellosis in India: 67.00 Lakhs
Super Bird: Identifying genes that are responsible for low mortality in Chicken: A microarray based Gene chip assays: Suguna Poultry: 70 Lakhs
Shielding the livestock from Para Tuberculosis (Johnes Disease): Developing diagnostic kits.
DBT funded Canine Healthcare network project for Diagnostics of canine diseases.
Shielding the livestock from Para Tuberculosis using rapid on site diagnostics
Brucella free Village: DBT funded national Brucella control program initiative.
BIRAC funded Equine healthcare project for development of rapid diagnostics to Glanders and EIA
BIRAC funded grant for development of vaccines for Paratuberculosis
Established GMP and GLP ISO 9001-2008 certified Production Units
Successfully Launched 120 products and developed Instruments for POC in Diagnostics for human and animal healthcare.
Molecular biology, Cell biology, Pathology, Oncology, Signal transduction pathways, functional Genomics, Proteomics, Gene expression and regulation research, Therapeutic intervention of Disease processes, Micro-arrays, Developing rapid detection Diagnostic kits and customer care
6/2005- 8/2006: Director of Operations & Acting Managing Director, MWG Biotech Inc. High Point, NC
Effectively managed, Directed the Oligonucleotide (5,000 oligos per a day), Si RNA, Duel probe Production and High Throughput Sequencing units (2,000 reads per a day).
2/2003 to 6/2005: Research Biologist Lead GS-14 Division of Bioterrorism; NCID; CDC/Homeland Security; USA
Played key role to receive “Certificate of Appreciation” from Secretary of Homeland Security” for successfully deploying rapid detection molecular methodologies and for bench marking rapid detection of several crucial agents of bioterrorism like Bacillus anthracis, Brucella species, Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, Clostridium Botulinum, variola virus etc at City of Huston jurisdiction.
Trained several associates regarding protocols for rapid detection of environmental samples, and clinical samples using serological, biochemical and conventional methodologies like ELISA and other assays including West Nile virus etc. Collaborated with National labs and CDC in genotyping select agents
7/1997-10/2002: Director; Emory DNA Core Facility & Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry; Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Initiated and Established a molecular Core facility that served for more than 400 principal investigators regarding High throughput automated DNA sequencing, Microarray technology and RT-PCR etc.
Involved in designing and execution of projects and collaborated with several investigators regarding their functional genomics studies and helped in grant writing.
1993- 1997: Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Core Lab Manager. PENN State University; Hershey, PA, USA
Initiated own research in biomedical fields of disease processes and obtained research grants and published in peer-reviewed journals. Trained several students for Ph.D. thesis and mentored towards their graduation.
1984-1993: Visiting Fellow & Visiting Scientist Section on Immunology; NIAAA, NIH
Published several papers (a total of 40) in collaboration with other investigators in wide range of biomedical research fields including cancer, immunology and toxicology.
Cloned and studied expression and regulation of several gene families including ADH, Calcineurin, Stannin etc.
Managerial Skills
Managed three shifts of a total 47 employees directly. Strong Customer Relationship with positive interaction, trouble shooting and provides extensive technical advice.
Cell Biology
Cell and tissue culture, monoclonal and polyclonal production, microbiology & immunology techniques
Protein purification and characterization, enzymology, 2D-PAGE, Phosphor-protein analyses, cell culture, MALDI-TOF, CE, HPSF and HPLC etc.
Functional Genomics
Molecular cloning, gene mapping, cDNA and Genomic DNA library construction, ESTs, High throughput mega sequencing projects, gene regulation, expression using mammalian, bacterial and plant vector systems. Drug action, of pro and eukaryotic genes using radio isotopic and non-radio isotopic (fluorescent based) methods, PCR and Real Time PCR using TaqMan probes. DNA, Si RNA synthesis, stable and transient transfection. Microbial culture methods, Western, Northern and Southern blotting techniques, High-density gene chip analyses using both Affymetrix as well as gene spotting methods using amplicons.
Biopharmaceuticals & Molecular diagnostics
Design & construction of therapeutically significant genes in to vectors and express in different systems using large biofermentors. Preparation of pathogen specific immuno/molecular rapid detection kits.
Grant Funding: Active
DBT grant (2009 to 2014) Developing inexpensive instrumentation for Rapid diagnostic kits (1.04 crores) by Govt of India.
DBT National Grant (2012-2017) for Brucellosis Molecular Diagnostics and Instrumentation development project (0.97 Crores)
Shielding the livestock from Para TB: CRS grant from BIRAC/DBT
Authorized user of radioactive material for biomedical research,
Packaging and shipping toxic and pathogenic agents. Use of BSL2, 3 and 4 facilities to handle select pathogenic agents related to Bioterrorism.
Federal Security clearance in USA: YES
Dr Rathnagiri Polavarapu has published about 80 research articles in highly ranked national and international jounals.