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Prof. Dr. T.V. Satyanarayana

Registrar-Designate, MNR University

Ex-Officio Member-Secretary

About - Dr. T.V. Satyanarayana

Dr. T V Satyanarayana has 35 years of teaching, research, administrative and project management experience while working as the Assistant Professor to Professor, Principal Scientist, Project Manager, Associate Dean, Dean of Agricultural Engineering & Technology and Registrar of the Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) (Formerly Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University), India’s largest state agricultural university in Government sector. He was awarded Senior Professor (HAG) scale in 2009. He was instrumental in establishing three new colleges at Sangareddy, Madakasira and Pulivendula in the erstwhile AP state and establishing the new campus of ANGRAU at Lam, Guntur after state’s bifurcation. He is presently officiating as the Registrar-designate of the university

Dr T V Satyanarayana has been widely recognized for his research work in the field of On-farm irrigation and drainage water management. He has developed the designs of efficient water measuring and regulating devices for use in field channels of irrigation commands. He has designed and developed some effective designs of sub-surface drainage systems for control of water logging and salinity in irrigated canal commands and implementing successfully. He has published 45 research articles inreputed national journals and 15 research articles in international journals. He has attended several national and international conferences and presented technical papers on various aspects related to drainage and water management. He visited Germany, The Netherlands, USA, Italy, Egypt, Thailand and Singapore in connection with pursuit of academic and research programmes.He was instrumental in securing external funding of Rs 50 crores to ANGRAU for research projects on irrigation and drainage water management from Netherlands Govt and FAO, Rome, Italy during 1998-2008. He has received nine national and international awards including “FAO Award for Research Excellence”, “Engineer of the Year” Award and “Bharat Ratna Sir MokshagundamVisvesvaraya Award” by Govt of AP in 2012 for the outstanding contributions in the field of irrigation and drainage engineering. He was a member of the 5th Deans’ committee of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for UG courses in India and PRT for many universities for ICAR Accreditation. He also served as expert member for UPSC, ASRB, APPSC, HSPSC examinations and selections.

Dr T V Satyanarayana obtained B.Tech (Hons) (Agricultural Engineering) from GBPUAT (Formerly UPAU), Pantnagar and M.Tech and Ph D in Soil and Water Engineering from IIT, Kharagpur. He pursued Post-Doctoral Research in the Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology under DAAD Fellowship at Technological University at Munich in Germany. He also pursued collaborative research on irrigation and drainage water management at the International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement (ILRI) at Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR) in The Netherlands. He has also undergone training on Water Resources Planning at the UNESCO-IHE, Delft in the Netherlands. He possesses PG Diploma in Human Resources Management from Pondicherry University. He is a Life Member of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers and Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India).

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